Falcons Forum

Falcons Forum

chat_bubble Happy 50th Birthday, Dunner!
The editorial staff here at falconsslopitch.com wishes long time Falcon Sean "Dunner" "Dinner" Dunn a very happy 50th birthday!!

It is no surprise that in Mrs. Dinner's FB/Insta post wishing him a happy birthday that the first thing she mentioned was his photoshop skills... as you can tell from the image above, the quality of the pictures on this website drops off a significant cliff if Dunner's not the one creating them. Readers of this website for the last 15 years have been spoiled.

But, like Mrs Dinner, the team also gets to benefit from Dunner's multitude of other talents. He's the creator and caretaker of this website, spent years organizing the team and also a couple running the league. He's a natural leader, an animated story teller, and a great friend. All the Falcons are better off for knowing him.
Tags: dunner, birthday
Posted on: Tuesday August 16th, 2022 at 8:36AM