Falcons Forum
Falcons Forum
assignment Falcons Drop Game 1 Of Three Game Series To A's
Friday 9:30PM September 8th, 2017

Playing for the first time at Iroquois, with the very real potential for murdereres, drug dealers and hippies lurking at the playground, the Falcons outfielders soon realized the noise from the 401 and the trains made intra-squad communication nearly impossible. Not that anyone had anything to say. Poutine was on cloud nine from his Admirals championship earlier that week, New Jeff was contemplating a career switch to professional golf, while the right side of the outfield was busy staring at the moon. After allowing a 2-run jack in the top of the first, the Falcons came out swinging, plating four. The defence held like dollar-store duct tape in the second, only allowing a single run. Two more for the home side in the bottom of the second inning, and the Falcons took a 6-3 lead into the third.
That's when the wheels fell off. The A's tied it at 3 in the top of the third, and held the Falcons to a delicious doughnut in the bottom of 3. Turnabout (being fair-play and all), the Falcons held the A's to bubkus in the top of the 4th and regained the lead with a single in their half of the 4th. Two for the visitors in the 5th gave them the lead, and they held it.
Two Home Runs In One Inning Watch: The last time a Falcon hit two home runs in one inning was August 29, 2012.
Game Notes: Big thanks to Gary from Greenthumb sticking around to fill out the Falcons roster...
2B: The Mattural
3B: J-Paq
HR: New Jeff
RBI: New Jeff (3), The Mattural (3), Poutine, J-Paq
LOB: 8
STADIUM: Iroquois #2
ATTENDANCE: 4 (20% FULL) - % is based on regular season capacity (Falcons' side only)
WEATHER: --°C, Clear; Humidity --%; Wind -, -- km/h (weather data courtesy @wc_oshawa)


Team | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | Final |
A's | 2 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 3 | 11 |
Falcons | 4 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 8 |