Falcons Forum

Falcons Forum

assignment Falcons Win Fourth Straight
Sunday 8:00PM May 26th, 2024
Sunday's late doubleheader began well for the home Falcons, notching a 21-5 victory over division rival The Crew.

Approaching game time, an ominous message appeared in the Falcons' What'sApp chat: "Where's Steve?". The team's longtime leadoff man had yet to appear with game time looming. Would an emergency line up shuffle be imminent? Would Jr (see game notes) finally be upgraded to the coveted lead off spot he's clearly been gunning for? Would such a change evolve into animosity between Cowboy and Jr and come to the inevitable end in a rap- or dance-battle to decide who would lead the team into battle going forward?


Cowboy made a very Barry Guerrero Jr-esque entry with moments to spare, and you can forget you read that last paragraph, which I'm sure you'd already wished you could have.


The Crew began the game with a couple runs in the top of the first inning, thanks to a Sean RBI single and a sac fly from Scott "no one else on the scorecard is named Scott but Homie put his last name anyway" Sonley. Undaunted, the Falcons responded with four of their own highlighted by a Million Dollar Bill 2-run double, and in what was only the second weirdest thing to happen on the scorecard, a sac fly by Teets where the momentum of the first baseman catching a routine pop up barely clearing the infield cutout caused him to drift out of bounds and thus award each runner on base a free bag.

After exchanging doughnuts in the second (not LITERALLY, Liz), the Crew put up a run on three hits to narrow the gap to only a run. The first six Falcons up in the bottom of the third hit singles to score four. A two-bagger from Barry Guerrero Jr cashed another duck, and following a curious mid-May regular season IBB to Dunner, Jr finished off the MAX6 with a single. After three, the Falcons were up 10-3 and never looked back.

I'm only going to mention the goings on in the bottom of the fourth inning due to three significant happenings. The inning began with Shohei walking, though not intentionally. That was followed by four straight singles, and then the chaos. To begin, Sr and Teets ended up sharing 3B for a brief moment when Sr had his first "senior moment" and overdid the running thing and tried to advance to an already occupied base on a Dr J single. Then: Is it possible to be awarded a sac fly when the ball is never caught? Seems so: Handsoff, with the bases loaded and less than two out, popped a ball up on the infield. The umpire rightly called the infield fly, and Handsoff was out. The ball dropped, however, and two runs scored. Thus, you have a unicorn like event: a two-run sac fly where the ball neither left the infield, nor was caught at all. The inning ended the MAX6 when Dunner hit a 1-run solo home run with two runners on base. Only the mythical 5-run homer is rarer. It was the Falcons' first dinger of the season.

Game Notes: For those scoring at home, we have new nicknames to remember: Long time Skinny Little, uh, "Falcon" SLF is now simply Sr, and new candidate for leadoff hitter Skinner is now Jr... Homie's scorecard commentary on Sr's baserunning gaff: "WTF? Look!"... For The Crew, the only other notable batting order entry besides Scott "Two Names" Sonley was Kyle "Sweater"... An impressive day at the plate for rookie Hands off, going 2-for-3 with a sac fly and four ribbies... Always great to see new fans in the bleachers for the game.


2B: Barry Guerrero Jr (2), Shohei, Dunner, Million Dollar Bill, Jr
3B: None
HR: Dunner!
RBI: Handsoff (4), Dunner (3), Million Dollar Bill (3), Barry Guerrero Jr (3), Sr (3), Jr (2), Teets (2), Dr J

DOUBLE PLAYS: Shohei-Jr-Barry Guerrero Jr


ATTENDANCE: 4 (20% FULL) - % is based on regular season capacity (Falcons' side only)

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Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Final
The Crew 2 0 1 0 2 0 0 5
Falcons 4 0 6 6 1 4 X 21

Statistical Highlights

At The Plate
arrow_rightJerome:🔥 4 for 4
arrow_rightJeremy:4 for 5
arrow_rightBarry:4 for 5
arrow_rightBill:4 for 5
arrow_rightMichael:3 for 4 + BB
arrow_rightSean:3 for 4 + BB
arrow_rightAshley:3 for 4 + SF
Team Fines
The team is severely disappointed in your lack of contributions!🤑
Tags: win, the crew, handsoff, infield fly, unicorn, dinger, sr, jr
Posted on: Monday May 27th, 2024 at 9:19AM