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Falcons Forum

chat_bubble Poutine Lands Fitting Endorsement Deal
Falcons' rookie and team MVP front runner, Mike "Poutine" Labrecque, has made a noticeable splash on Whitby's most beloved slo-pitch team.

Impressively, Mike currently leads the team in several key categories:

* Triples (tied)
* Home Runs
* RBIs
* Games Played (tied)
* Runs Scored
* Total Bases
* Flirtatious Advances to Teammates' Mothers

With the amount of publicity he's been getting from this web site, the handful of Falcons fans have obviously been spreading the word, as a local restaurant owner has since caught wind, and fittingly offered him a lucrative endorsement deal:

The team remains hopeful it won't go to his head.
Tags: labrecque, endorsement, poutinery
Posted on: Friday July 15th, 2016 at 9:58AM
Comment #1

"The team remains hopeful it won't go to his head."

The team is also pessimistic about their chances it won't.

Posted on: Friday July 15th, 2016 at 11:00AM
Posted by: SLF
Comment #2

I can't wait to try the food there

Posted on: Friday July 15th, 2016 at 12:02PM
Posted by: Momma Stas
Comment #3

Now that Falcon's players are allowed to secure endorsement deals, I have a few suggestions:

Player: Jeremy aka SLF

Brand: "The Dirty Condom Company"

Endorsement: "I'm SLF, I know a lot about Triple Baggers, I occasionally lead my own team in triples. When you have to get down with a dirty, dirty skunk of a girl, you should ONLY wear domes from "The Dirty Condom Company". The domes they make use Triple Bagger laytex technology, providing 3x the protection of a normal condom. Take it from me, the King of Triple Baggers. Great flavours like "Free Beer Night" and "Hawaiian Pizza" available on the Merchandise Section of the Falcons website

Player: Doug Short, aka Dougothy Casino

Brand: Standard Life Assurance Company Of Canada

Endorsement: Do you ever wake up in the morning, flex in the mirror, admire your giant muscles and hop back into bed with two beautiful blondes for a few hours of sex and vaping???
Me neither!
That's why I love Standard Life. Boring, predictable, safe, Standard Life.

Wake up, go to work, do nothing, go to slo-pitch, do nothing, go to bed, wake up and do it all over again...day after day, That's Standard Life.

Embrace how incredibly unexceptional your life is! Keep living the life that absolutely nobody is jealous of.
STANDARD LIFE. Give them your money today...it's not like you are going to do anything smart or cool with it!

Posted on: Friday July 15th, 2016 at 2:17PM
Posted by: The King of Strongstyle
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