Falcons Forum
Falcons Forum
Wednesday 9:30PM July 31st, 2019

With only 10 games left on the schedule, many questions remain for the Falcons:
- Will Big Cat, like, ever return?
- Can Teets and Million Dollar Bill play in every game?
- Did Cowboy have a baby, or was his last minute scratch from Wednesday's line up the result of him being traded to Greenthumb?
- Who will play more games for the Falcons this season? Miner Leaguer (12 of 28 so far); The Mattural (13/28); Poutine (also 13); or Dunner (14)?
- Goliath leads the team in homers with 10, but who of the following will finish with more in this surprisingly tight race:
Cowboy (2 homers)
Million Dollar Bill (3!)
Poutine (4? 4!)
The Mattural (Only 5)
Hobo (5)
Teets (5)
- How high can Cowboy go? He already has the team record with 11 triples in a season. Where will he set the high water mark?
- King Grahambo has 19 two-baggers this season. The record is held by less-legendary-than-The-Legend-but-still-pretty-legendary Barry-Bob "Chequebook" Thompson with 24 in 2013. Can Grahambo beat it?
- Can Dr J hit his first career triple? Can Dance Dad hit his first career dinger? Will Levi buy baseball cleats?
- And finally, what is this team? They're certainly no powerhouse President's Division team like Storm and Broadway. The Rebels hold a game in hand, and are only a half-game back of the Falcons. Where will this team finish? They currently sit in the 4-spot overall, and would earn a Friday "bye" come playoff time. But they're only a previously mentioned half-game from being in fifth, and only two games back of the 2-seed.
It's CRUNCH TIME. Ten games to go, and every possibility but a Division Title is in play.
Two Home Runs In One Inning Watch: The last time a Falcon hit two home runs in one inning was June 14, 2019.
Two Triples In One Inning Watch: The last time a Falcon hit two triples in one inning was June 11, 2019.

Game notes: Million Dollar Bill was a triple short of the cycle.
2B: SLF (3), Million Dollar Bill, Goliath, Dunner, Band Camp, The Mattural
HR: Teets (2), Million Dollar Bill
MDBHRs: Band Camp
RBI: Teets (7), SLF (7), Dr J (3), King Grahambo (2), Goliath (2), Million Dollar Bill, The Mattural, Hobo
DOUBLE PLAYS: Million Dollar Bill-Dr J-Band Camp
ATTENDANCE: 2 (10% FULL) - % is based on regular season capacity (Falcons' side only)


Team | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | Final |
Falcons | 6 | 6 | 1 | 5 | 6 | X | X | 24 |
Re/Max Crossroads | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | X | X | 2 |
Nice job Ash-2 bombs last night. Now that’s 7 balls you’ve hit to the warning track and beyond the last 3 games
Posted by: Poutine
When do we start calling a porter to a “Million Dollar Shot”
Posted by: Poutine
We came up with a good name for it yesterday, "Porter Million Dollar Bill" which is a play on "Quarter Million Dollar Bill", but we decided this group is far too stupid to get this delicious pun.
Posted by: Hobo
I think this year is working out well for the off injured Matt, Mike and Sean. We will call this “Falcons Load Management”.
In regards to Minor Leaguer, I have no idea what his excuse but after talking to him I’m sure he’s taken a load from management in his past.
Posted by: Falcons Training Staff
Knuckles McGillacuddy from Bandulu Sports has just reported that Big Cat will be back on the 5th !!!!!!!
more to come.......
Posted by: Big Cat
The return of the Big Cat, back on the prowl!! I'm pumped, Surge won't know what hit 'em!!
How's the arm? Want some action at 3rd?
Posted by: Hobo
I will let you know after Quiet Time
( Remember that Billie......with the candle)
Posted by: Big Cat
Brew Crew beats the A’s, broadway loses to Surge and an uncharacteristic late sign out. What a week in the WMSPL.
Proud to announce another addition to the fan base. Falcon Bennett was born Aug 1 at 12:51 AM weighing in at 6lbs 7oz. Mom and baby are fine and I didn’t even faint this time!
Hoping for some new found dad strength for the stretch run.
Posted by: Cowboy
Congratulations on the new family addition Steve, glad everything went good
Posted by: Dance Dad
Steve, did you seriously name your kid Falcon? 😲
I guess it would be weird if we traded you now, eh?
Anyway, congrats on having strong swimmers! 💪
Posted by: Dunner
Just got off the Leviathan.....boy what a ride.......Yukon Striker next! Hope I’m around for our next game boys!
Posted by: Dance Dad