Falcons Forum

Falcons Forum

chat_bubble Comings and Goings
With the 2016 WMSPL slo pitch season fast approaching, the annual will-he/won't-he brings new sources of stress for the Falcons' new team rep, SLF.

As has already been reported, Cas "Tank" Litwin, has been kicked off the team for embezzlement has left the team completely voluntarily. The league has passed new recruitment rules, so Barry "The Eyes Go In Your 50s" Thompson's son Curtis "Finally" Thompson will now be joining the team. Welcome, Curtis. We look forward to passive-agressively "critiquing" your slo pitch skills.

It is with regret the Falcons announce that Dave "Too Busy" Kvaltin will be taking a one-year hiatus from the team. Seems he has more to do in retirement than he did when he was working. The Falcons are eligible to use the league's Pick-a-Friend rule this year, and pick-a-friend they will! Mike "Our Only Friend" Zamudio has recruited Mike "Poutine" Labrecque, proving once again that this team has no friends at all. Mike III is a pitcher, so Ash "I'm Not the Coach" Teets will now be playing (at least part time until we see how good this Mike III pitches) as catcher, sharing duties with The Legend Jerry Tone.

It is with further regret that the Falcons announce that WMSPL Mid-Season Tournament Hero Chris "Beaver" Dunn will also be taking a year off from playing with the team, citing his 3-games-played-in-2015 effort. Replacing Beaver is another benefactor of the new loosened age restrictions, son of Million Dollar Bill Jenkins, Caleb Jenkins. Caleb joins the team in his first year of eligibility and will turn 25 long after the season finishes, squeaking in a birthday just prior to Christmas. He will be known as the only man ever to play an entire WMSPL season as a 24-year-old! Congratulations, Caleb! We look forward to you showing the league's Get-Off-My-Lawn types that they were right in trying to stop you from playing.
Tags: tank, curtis, barry, dk, poutine, players, changes, beaver, caleb
Posted on: Friday April 22nd, 2016 at 7:41AM