Falcons Forum
Falcons Forum
Wednesday 8:00PM July 18th, 2018

Sports Illustrated exploded for seven runs in the top of the first inning, which, as it turns out, was enough to win right there. For a summary of the Falcons first inning, see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. For this game, these would also apply to innings 2, 3, 6 and 7.
The Falcons sent 5 men or less to the plate in EVERY INNING except the fourth. They also didn't score a run until the game was more than half over.
Coming up on Sunday, the Falcons will play the Rebels at 8:00 in game one of a Sunday doubleheader. If they lose the opener, they'll drop into a tie for first place in the VP division for the first time since the standings showed all-zeroes.
Two Home Runs In One Inning Watch: The last time a Falcon hit two home runs in one inning was August 29, 2012.
Game Notes: Pretty sure Poutine had the family watching this game, but he ensured there would be no interaction with the team, as he only bought them tickets to sit in the left field bleachers and sent them home before the game ended... Has anyone ever seen Stevie B and Miner Leaguer in the same room together?... Speaking of Miner Leaguer, he needs to find a new benchmark for success if he's looking at SLF's stat line as the one to beat... Leaguer, again, knows just when to show off, as he made a TV-diving catch just as his co-ed team was making their way past K1 on their way to the parking lot. This brings to mind the time when he hit an inside-the-park home run just as two acquaintances (neither of whom were his future bride) arrived to watch him hit for the cycle.
The Hot (Take) Corner: It's time for the Falcons to make a move at manager. Yes, they're in first place (for now), but there's no reason they can't Dwayne Casey the current manager.
2B: Hobo, Poutine
3B: None
HR: Poutine
RBI: Poutine (4), SLF, Teets
PIZZAS: L-Paq (2/3)
ATTENDANCE: 6 (30% FULL) - % is based on regular season capacity (Falcons' side only)


Team | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | Final |
Sports Illustrated Play | 7 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 13 |
Falcons | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Shit game
... that is all
Posted by: Levi
What if you Crowd source your Manager position?
Why have one manager when you can have all 20-35 Falcons fans world wide participate.
The forward thinking Sacramento Kings used crowd sourcing to help them make an NBA Draft pick - and the Sacramento Kings are the holy grail of enlightened hoops management - Just ask Vlad Divac.
Open up your tightly locked vault of data and let a world of slo-pitch stat geeks build your optimum line up.
Posted by: The Notorious D.O.U.G
Nah, the Manager is doing a fine job. Stats show a monkey could put together the lineup and it may make a win or two difference by the end of a 160 game season. Dealing with hurt feelings is probably the more difficult part of the job.
We need to hit better when we are fielding well, and field better when we are actually hitting well. We rarely do both at the same time...
Posted by: Hobo